
Lesson Learned through the Sunny Juice Box Camera

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I was sooo happy to finally have a new baby on my list, a cute Sunny Juice Box Camera. The boyfriend gave it to me as a present a few days ago, sadly, I dropped it accidentally two days after. I got really depressed that day and went out and binged on KFC's french fries. I thought my new camera's a gonner.

the accident left a mark. :(

I decided that the best thing to do to test if the camera is still working is to shoot the entire roll and have it processed. I was really nervous. A part of me expects to see an empty roll, but I still wanted to be hopeful. It would really break my heart if the camera ends up broken.

At 4pm that day, I had the roll processed. I had to know that same day whether my new baby needed some fixing. I hoped for the worse. Thank heavens, it was okay. It was probably the worst roll I've ever had. Even my first roll was better and I've been shooting film for a couple of months already. Anyway, it was a breath of fresh air. I was more than relieved to see actual images on my roll, even if there were only three good ones.

The rest were either underexposed or covered by the broken flap of the lens, which I'll be discussing in a camera review soon. :)

The following photos where taken with an expired Fujifilm 200.

flap covers most of the photo :(

Mental note to self: Always use an ISO 400 roll with the juice box.

P.S. Always be careful with the camera. It's way too fragile.


  1. nice camera, nice shots!
    ganahan kaayo ko sa kanang shot nga naay tableS!
    mura siyag joke nga camera pero so cool =)

    1. I know, right? Nag-think ko na magshoot with the camera often kay dili siya mo get ug attention. Mura ra jud siya ug wala. It's also affordable. Get one na! :)

  2. cute camera! asa makapalit ani?

    1. Sa eBay, actually. I think Korean seller sa eBay nagbuy si Paw. :)
