
Portraits: Cyrine

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I've known Cycy for almost three years now, meeting her through a hiking group. She's got a really vibrant personality and she's a friend that you can rely on during the most frustrating times. She's a  really pretty girl, though she may act boyish with this new pixie hair (which I envy by the way). She used to have long curly locks, which is why many of friends call us kambal (twins). Her middle name is Ortiz, which is also my last name. However, we're not related by blood nor by law. I fancy her being my sister from another mother though.

Cycy is a free spirit. She has this sweet disposition that's just so contagious. You'll also feel happy and carefree when you're around her. She knows how to make you feel comfortable with her. She's the epitome of all things feminine, but she's one of the hardcore women hikers/climbers I know. This goes to show that you can never really judge someone with just looks.

I requested her to be my model for my little online store, Spektra, while it was still active. This explains these photos, which I took from UP Cebu's volleyball court. I haven't really updated the store recently since I'm busy with my new work. Spektra is currently in hibernation. I'm still thinking whether or not to reopen the store again soon with the schedule permits.

PS. I honestly have a fear of taking other people's photos. I've always felt that I can never justify how they look. I think there's just so many things in a person and being a noob as I am, I can never provide that spark in people's eyes that are very much alive in real life. Since I took that leap of shooting portraits, I realized there's so many things to learn and master. Although I'm still a newbie with portraits, I'm enjoying every bit of experience I'm having and every piece of information I'm digesting.