
Review: Sunny Juice Box Film Camera

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With my previous post about my new Sunny Juice Box film camera here, I've mentioned that I accidentally dropped it, exposed the film, and even caused some scratches. It's actually gifted by the boyfriend.

But let's talk about the camera when before that accident. The Sunny Juice Box was ordered straight from eBay, the boyfriend said. Unfortunately, it wasn't in good condition when it arrived. The flap in front of the lens which is supposed to move along with the shutter doesn't work. The boyfriend decided not to return the camera since it would be a hassle.

Note that the flap also moves as your press the shutter which ends up covering your photos. I've decided to stick a tape around the lens to prevent the flap from covering my shot. Will test it out soon.

One thing I like about this cutesy camera is it's cool look. A lot of my friends mistake it for a real juice box which makes it a really good camera for street photography. It's really discreet and you'd get a lot of wows when you explain it's actually a film camera. 

a bit dark for a cloudy day. (Centuria DNP 400)

taahoooo. (Centuria DNP 400)

Clouds. (Centuria DNP 400)
It also takes good enough photos and what you'd expect from other toy cameras. It has a bit of vignette to the shots which I personally like. However, I think shooting with it in broad daylight is advisable. It doesn't have a flash of its own which makes it not suitable for shooting in cloudy days or dim rooms. I personally prefer using the 400 ISO films for this camera. 

You should know that the Juice Box is a bit flimsy. I think it's even more fragile than the CDR-King 35mm film camera. This probably explains why it was already broken when we got it. Another thing is the counter in the camera does not really count right. I've also read another blog saying this and I didn't believe until I tested it out. I don't count my shots anymore since it's no use.

this is the flap. :(

Terraces (Fujifilm 200)
A word of caution: when trying to rewind your film, make sure it's all wound up. You'll end up exposing some of shots when you excitedly open it up, just like what I did with my latest roll from the Juice Box. I wanted to choke myself for exposing the film twice! I lost a lot of my shots. :(

I do love this camera but I'm just having issues with how flimsy it is and why it doesn't have a hand strap. I'd definitely use it again, or maybe buy another one in the hope of having a better-working camera. 


Good Deeds

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I am amazed at how different people can be, yet they can be united with a single goal.

the usual meeting place: Guadalupe Church

the volunteers with their backpacks.

Last week, July 15, a group of hiking and trekking enthusiasts in Cebu got together to share an amazing day with some kids in Kahugan, Sapangdaku. This area is a part of  a trail that a number of local hiking enthusiasts frequent. Personally, I also like the trail being easy and convenient especially if you are looking for a sweaty day trek. Since the place is a go-to place for us, we've also befriended a number of the locals.

This is one of the reasons why we are giving back to the community who've allowed us many times to pass by the place. Kahugan, like other mountain areas in Cebu City, is not that privileged. Most of the locals live in small huts and don't have much. No matter how difficult we think life is for us, these people have more problems. We are still more privileged compared to them. 

the school supplies. thanks sponsors!

waiting for their turn

This is the second time (or third) that a group of trekkers are giving away school supplies to the kids in Kahugan. It's nice to see kids excited with what you're giving them, even if it's not much. It's also nice to see people help with this great cause.

The train wasn't really as easy as we wanted, especially when it rained the night before. I also brought with me a friend from NYC who was having a bit difficulty with the trail. However, all the sweat and hard work paid off once you get to see the kids happy with what you gave them.

the view of the city.


hello blue sky! :)

You don't really need to organize a big event just to give back to any community. Oftentimes, it only takes a drunken night to instigate such an activity.

*photos taken with Centuria DNP 400 (expired) in Juice Box camera*


Portraits: Blood Brothers

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I met Charles and James along the coastline of Lapu-Lapu City. Who wouldn't be intrigued with some kids walking along the shore who look appear to be in search for something really important. I actually thought that they were looking for  seashells.

I braved through the slipppery and rocky Mactan shore just to talk to these little kids. These two boys were actually getting fish to play with. I saw Charles bringing a small plastic container where all of his Kuya James' catches would go. They even got a small puffer fish, the first time I saw one in person.

James with his catch.

Charles and James were spending their summer vacation in Lapu-Lapu City. For the rest of the year, they spend school days in Pardo with their grandparents, where they also go to school. It turns out that when thet are in Lapu-Lapu, they come to the shore every day during low tide. They either catch fishes for fun or collect seashells for their meal.

That day, James was bringing with him a makeshift pana (bow) to catch the small fishes. I must say he's also very good in using it. I couldn't even catch a fish. He slowly observes the rocks to check out the fishes and swiftly triggers his bow to capture the small fish.

Charles and the puffer fish.
James and Charles were really fun to talk to. They answer your questions without hesitation. When I ask questions, Charles would shyly smile and answer in his really cute small voice. Charles was always serious in catching fishes but in between he would happily answer any inquiries. Their sheer honesty is one of the reasons why I like talking to kids.

*photos taken with Fujifilm XTRA 400 (expired) in Minolta Maxxum 3*



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Note: This was a blog I wrote back in October 14, 2009. This was about a beloved teacher's advice to me after doing an interview with him for the school paper. This was the last advice I got from him. I really miss him, but I will no longer shed tears for him. He is loved and I know he is in a better place.

Sir, I'm now out of my comfort zone and I'm doing a lot of crazy shit. It took time, but I took your advice and I'm glad you told me so.
in UP Cebu (taken with CDR-King 35mm x expired Kodak Ultra 100)
Everyone of us has very beloved comfort zones. Those are specific places, things, people or clothes that we feel, obviously, too comfortable that they make up most of us. Those comfort zones are too well known to us. Comfort zones are like home.

I remember a professor of mine once told me to go out, not literally. He said that I should try going out and have fun. I smiled and told him: Sir, Facebook's too comfy for me. Then, I walked away and closed the faculty room.

It was just then that I realized that I was spending too much time in my comfort zones. I never really tried to go out of that comfy feel and tried something new. I was too scared of going out. Too scared of something new. I loved the old and the normal too much.

I think it's bf that fear of new things. You don;t get to learn. You just do the same things over and over. Even if it's fear that's stopping you, try to face that fear or else it'll imprison you in your comfort zones.

I admit that I am too much attached. I know I should try new things for myself. Like what my professor said, it's a huge world out there. It's too bad when you don't even get to see and try things before you die.

Yeah, probably he's right. I should go out and not just keep myself inside books. I should try to be outside. It might be scary, but it's the only time to get exposed and learn. It's a time to be out there and discover.

Try. Discover. Be out there.


Kids and Kites

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One of the best memories I had with my internship was meeting these kids in Lapu-Lapu City. I suggested the place to my senior writer, Reb, when he was looking for some kite-flying kids for a feature. I've seen a couple of kites near the Mandaue-Mactan bridge which led me to suggesting the story.


We were surprised that an innocent kite-flying story had some deeper story. John-john's story was like those you'd see in movies. He was battered by his grand uncle in Leyte and came back to Cebu even without a single cent for the boat fare. Despite all that, he had a simple goal for summer and that's to make kites. 

Looking at these kids I can't help but feel how selfish I've become. As we get old, we tend to want bigger and nicer things. However, kids just want to make and fly kites that they can be proud of. They just laugh and joke around like they don't have any problems, even if they have big ones. I wish I can still have their enthusiasm and outlook in life, especially during dragging days.

john-john looking up at the kites.
*photos taken with Fujifilm XTRA 400 (expired) in Minolta Maxxum 3*


From A Point to Another

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There are trips that you just have to make, even if you really don't want take them. There are trips that you really want, but doesn't happen. Well, this was more of the former.

Most often long trips that you have to take alone paves way to some moments of reflection, especially when there are big waves and you don't know how to swim. Sometimes that awkward silence with your seatmate at the bus makes you think about the different places people come from yet manage to go to a similar direction.


However, you just have to make the best out of your scheduled trips. There are times when some happy accident or surprises come along your way, like meeting an old friend, and making a new one. And you'll end up happy you took the time to travel that far.

These photos were taken en route to Bayawan City, Negros Oriental and in Bayawan. :)

high school friends. ♥


boulevard, but not of broken dreams.


*photos taken with Kodak Ultramax 400 (expired) in Minolta Maxxum 3*


Internship Travels

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an orchid somewhere in Olanggo

en route.

splashing away.

demure catty.

Being a Mass Communication student is never an easy job, trust me. We have to go through three different internships just to get that diploma. I spent my summer (of this year), not on the beach, but running from one office to another to gather and write news for next day's paper. I was due for my print internship. 

I was assigned to the news, even if I applied for the soft pages, which isn't really a big deal. I just found that news really is difficult. My forte in writing has always been feature. But one of the perks with being a news writer, especially in my beat, is you get to go to different places and meet wonderful and fun people who seem so serious on TV or on-air. I was able to go to Olanggo, attend a number of fun events, and just be submerged with the field life of a journalist.

take a dip.

at the bird sanctuary.

Olanggo bird sanctuary.

Allan T., my photographer.

Mandaue City.


Walking Alcoy

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Your feet can take you anywhere. Yes, that's true. Have you ever experienced just wanting to go out and just letting your feet take you anywhere because you're bored to death with staying at home? Oh, yes. I've had those times. And I ended up in a tea shop sipping my milk tea or at someone's house watching movies. But, I'm talking about being out and about in a new place.

After taking a dip at Tingko, we decided to head on to the Alcoy proper and walk around the town. It's just something about walking and discovering new places that entices me..

Reading signs is really a good way to find new places to go to. What sparked my interest in Alcoy were signs that had 'heritage' on them. I I like everything old, like cameras, bags, teacups, clothes, buildings, etc. This was why I was drawn to them.

What I did notice is that the residents in Alcoy don't even know where the heritage well or cave really is. Those we've asked weren't able to tell us where those places are (except for the cave).

a century-old convent.

heritage cave.

the traveler.

line of trees.


alcoy church.

I'm itching to go out again. Been locked up with my academic and work duties. I wish I can just walk and get lost in my thoughts or with the view.

*photos taken with Minolta Maxxum 3 with Lucky Super 200 (fresh)*